Create unlimited professional email addresses for your domain name such as [email protected] and forward emails to your existing email address.
Forward visitors to your domain to any existing webpage on the internet. Great for redirecting visitors to your primary website or a Facebook or Google My Business page.
DNS is mission-critical for keeping your domain online. We've got you covered with ultra-fast, secure and reliable Cloudflare powered DNS with built-in DDoS attack mitigation. Learn more.
We're a friendly bunch so you'll always get helpful and knowledgable support when you need it from our support team by email or phone.
In New Zealand, .nz and domains are popular and seen as the most trustworthy and professional according to research by InternetNZ. Register both to ensure you protect your name. The mighty .com is great for shopping or global websites and .org is for knowledge. With more than 400 extensions for every industry, you're sure to find a great domain for your idea.
Shortness can help keep a domain name simple and easy to remember, but don't go so short or use abbreviations that make your address hard to pronounce or remember. You should be able to easily share your domain name when speaking as well as writing. Choosing a short extension like .nz will allow you to use more characters in your domain while keep the overall length to a minimum.
Keywords play an important role in a domain by telling search engines what your webite is about. While keywords are important, don't go overboard with domain length. It's better to have a domain name that's short and memorable for humans.
Get the best web hosting in NZ with our No Limits plan.
WordPress hosting with the best toolkit.
Create, manage and secure your WordPress website.
Show you're a pro with a personalised email address for your domain.